
*********************************All of them? :)
Breakfast in bed? Be catered to all day? Something else? You tell me. Because for one thing I am looking for ideas too. Lol
Reveal your thoughts and wishes. Mild to wild whatever you wish to say. How would you like to spend the day and evening?
You never know your Significant other just might read this and make you wishes come true.
At this point my wife has told me she wants to go see AVATAR. Not very romantic but it's what she wants to do. :)
Well, since my hubby is taking me out to lunch tomorrow afternoon, I'd say he's started out right :-) He's also planning to make dinner on V-day for me (which means I get to clean up after him) LOL
What I'd love for him to do? Pick up his dirty clothes from all over the house and for once clean the bathroom without me asking 400 times LOL
Have a great one!
Clean the house. That would get super bonus points and wild ride that night.
Thanks for coming by Annie and Sandi.
I do most of the cooking here so it looks like doing the clean up after the meals and house cleaning is in order. Something we should be doing anyway. (wink) lol
Thanks again.
Mmm, he should draw a nice hot bath full of my favorite bath oil, the lavender will do nicely, pour me a goblet of my favorite wine, and once I'm settled comfortably in the bath, he should join me. As the water grows tepid, it's time for him to step out and hold a warm towel for me to be embraced in. While I'm drying my hair, I can hear him heating the hot oil for a long and intense massage. Once he has removed all the kinks and stress from my overworked muscles--nature surely will have taken control of my favorite valentine! There will be nothing left for him to do--until it's time to light my cigarette. Ahhh!
My hubby is taking me out for a Valentine's lunch on Sunday. He won't remember a card or anything like that. In fact, he wouldn't remember Valentine's Day at all if I didn't remind him. lol Actually, he doesn't remember any dates. Grin.
Sandi, I was able to teach my hubby to pile his clothes in one spot in the master bedroom. lol I never could get him to put them in the hamper. lol
Good question, Gary.
LOL Sandy, my hubs leaves them wherever he happens to take them off. Sometimes the home office, sometimes the living room sofa, sometimes the bedroom. Wherever. It's like a scavenger hunt on laundry day LOL
Joann now that is romantic. Maybe a little hint for hubby to read this blog and see what you really want.
Or do you have him well trained and he does that for you already? lol
I thought I was the only one that forgot dates.
My wife starts weeks in advance dropping little hints that her birthday is coming. hints like telling me
"Now don't forget my birthday is coming up on Sept 16th" She starts this about the first of Aug. loIt's the same for our anniversary.
Hey beside the hamper in the bathroom is pretty close. :)
Lol. Hubby doesn't 'do' V-day. The reason? Everyday should be about loving your significant other, not just one day!
I do need to drop hints about my birthday though, have already started actually! Hubby never remembers dates, he even forgets his own birthday and even asks, how old am I turning this year btw?
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